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Polish Folklore

About Us

Polish Folklore  is a shop that celebrates Polish culture and tradition. Our merchandise is inspired by the traditional folklore of Poland, with a modern twist. We offer items such as clothing, jewelry and home decor that are designed to highlight the beauty of Poland and its people.

Our mission is to create items that are not only stylish and fashionable, but also meaningful and reflective of Polish heritage. We strive to provide quality products that honor the rich culture of Poland and that can be enjoyed by all

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Our Story

Polish Folklore Shop is the premier source for all things related to the culture and history of Poland. We are based in the UK West Midlands and specialize in providing unique and traditional Polish items, such as clothing, home decor, jewelry, and much more.

We also offer a wide range of products to help people celebrate the annual Polish Slovianki festival in West Midlands. Our mission is to help people around the world connect with the Polish culture and traditions. Visit our shop today and explore the beauty and vibrancy of Polish folklore.

Our Products

© 2021- 2024 - United Kingdom.  Created by New Road Studio

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